We're Baaaaack!

For everyone who has been checking here for updates about what's happening at Timeless Treasures, first I offer a big mea culpa for taking such a long time to show you what we've been up to down on Sutter Street.
Believe me when I say we've been very busy. Our selection of boudoir lamps and crystal chandeliers has never been better, thanks to the superb work of our favorite lamp rewiring expert, Bob of Phil's Electric. And Peter, who can fix just about anything, has been repairing and waxing vintage dressers and cupboards, and we've all been cleaning and restocking to keep the shop chock full.
We've also been relentless in our search for the yummiest, prettiest, classiest small indulgences that make life more appealing. We are hearing great comments about the our letterpress birthday cards, soy candles and inspirational books. Among our faves are notecards by Tumbalina decorated with a single initial sparkling with a bit of glitter ($14 a box). We have just replenished our stock, so now is a good time to pick up gifts for spring birthdays and the hostess of your next soiree.

The Archipelago Botanical Monogram candles ($28)

Two new books have been very popular, especially for gift giving. (We think they're pretty great to have just lying open on a table to glance at when you walk past.) soul happy ($14.95) is chockful of inspirational, unusual quotes with an emphasis on the simple and beautiful things in life.

live good ($14.95)

is another well designed book of quotations.
Remember the thrill you got the last time you received a special card? With the advent of e-greetings, some people seem to have forgotten how much a genuine, US Mail-posted greeting can mean. As bonafide members of the unofficial Society for the Preservation of Birthday Celebrating, we want to make it as simple as pie for you to find cards to delight your friends and family. We are featuring more and more (and moooore!) birthday and friendship/romance cards. Come and check out the racks!
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