Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ideas that Inspire Us

Earlier today we heard from Sande Krieger, a designer in Salt Lake City, that she had arranged old sign letters from Timeless Treasures as a kind of kick-start for overcoming that daily doozy of putting-off-till-tomorrow-what-you-just-can't-face today. Here's how she describes it...
I say this to my kids.

I mutter it to myself.

It is said mostly when I am procrastinating.

I bought these letters at Timeless Treasures when Layle
(a designer pal who creates marvelous products and concepts for online scrapbooking) and I went to San Francisco, but of course I didn't hang them up right away. I procrastinated.

Layle came over last weekend and helped me decide where to put them.

Now they sit right above my computer desk, a constant reminder to stop procrastinating and get something done!

We couldn't have said it better. Hmm... what inspires you? Delights you? Makes you sigh with contentment?