You've got (gorgeous) mail!

Last week Alice So, a San Francisco aficionado of handwritten (and decorated) correspondence, popped by and spent several minutes checking out our vintage rubber stamps. She chose a variety for her collection, including a one-of-a-kind set of vintage stamps with names of musical instruments.
Then a few days ago, we received the most amazingly clever and unique and personal package in the mail. Stunning! Colorful! Enchanting!
Words fail us, actually. See for yourself, both front and reverse of Alice's one-of-a-kind envelope.
If you're a scrapbooker, a collage artist or a snail mail correspondent, we invite you to stop by and see the vintage ephemera we've got in store for you.
Imagine how delighted your friends will be when they go to their mailbox by the front door and receive your surprise! We applaud people like Alice who make the dying art of letter writing really come alive.

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