Michele Has Her Kids Close to Her Heart

We just love this sterling necklace created by SF jewelry designer Amy Pfaffman for Michele, one of our neighbors and a frequent face around Timeless Treasures. She and her husband, Hank, often stop by with their kids when they are on a walk to get ice cream.
Michele came up with the idea of spelling out the names of the three little ones to create a piece of jewelry that she could wear with just about everything. Here you can see what a fabulous treasure Amy created of AIDAN, AVA, and DONOVAN.
To order a personal statement in sterling for your wife or Mom for Mother's Day, call or come see us pronto!. These one-of-a-kind beauties start at $48 for a 3-letter word.
Amy uses tiny, sterling letters cast from molds made of alphabet pasta. Somehow just knowing that the inspiration for these delicate letters came from pasta makes the story even better. Wouldn't that bit of background make a delicious detail to share with the woman who made you alphabet soup when you were a kid?