Coming to San Francisco? This little guide carries a big punch!

A few Saturdays ago, a couple from Tiburon stopped by during a visit to the city for an afternoon of shopping.
They showed us this pocket-size, hot pink guidebook to San Francisco, which they say has led them to a number of shops, including Timeless Treasures, previously not on their radar.
The mini-guide was recently published by the folks who produce Where magazine, the monthly publication travelers find in hotel rooms and at concierge desks.
WHERE SAN FRANCISCO > SHOP!: Great Shopping Wherever You Are is chock full of tips for people who have just a single day for exploring the city's shops, as well as locals who enjoy finding fresh discoveries for browsing and buying. Pop-up maps and 200 best-in-neighhborhood picks make it easy to zero in on an area you want to visit.
We were tickled to read the brief mention of Timeless Treasures on page 49, which refers to our "vintage sign letters, letterpress cards and intriguing jewelry."