What's in the window on Sutter Street?

Last week, during a visit to San Francisco, New York photo stylist Nan Whitney created a red-and-white tableau featuring a vintage advertising sign and a checked kitchen table found in France. The advert for LIEBIG-brand soups offered an immediate opportunity for creating slogans in English.
"Lie Big? Expect to pay the consequences."
"Lie Big? Well, if you must tell a lie, make it a whopper."
The symphony of red and white, including the vintage stylized red letter L, vintage red marquee numbers and the small white stool with a border of red paint, makes a simple color statement, and something for pundits to ponder.
If you're interested in purchasing something you see here -- including the vintage French glass wine jugs that you can barely make out in the morning sunlight glancing off the window-- give us a call.
To see more of Nan Whitney's work as a stylist and set designer, click here.