A perfect gift for the literary wonder in your life

When it comes to gift giving, there's nothing quite like finding that perfect something for a special person in your life. During a recent visit to Frog Hollow, the Vermont center for crafts in Middlebury, we discovered these spherical sculptures created by Vermont sculptor Alan Paschell. Handmade from unglazed clay, each Thought Form, as Alan calls it, has a quote hand-pressed into the surface. Starting at the bottom and spiraling upward, the quote may be funny or serious, inspiring or playful. Our two favorites of our first collection are "When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes... Erasmus" and "The real test in golf and in life is not in keeping out of the rough, but in getting out after we are in... Moore".
Come and be inspired by these whimsical scultures, and solve a gift giving dilemma or two. We cannot think of a better conversation starter on your best freind's coffee table or desk. BTW, we are taking orders for custom quotes but they won't be delivered until mid-January. Something to think ahead for Valentine's Day or a special birthday.