Sierra and Jason Renter of Manteca, CA, stopped by
Timeless Treasures a few weeks ago, they rummaged through drawers of small vintage letters until they assembled the perfect saying for their home.
The phrase 3 boys plus 1 girl equals happiness, as you can see here, reflects the full-house feeling of this busy family. Their three young sons -- Jeromy, Sam and Aidan-- and daughter Miranda are the impetus for the phrase that's now displayed over a set of double doors in their home.
Of all the letters in her chosen phrase, Sierra says her favorite is the old wooden N painted dark green. And see how the letter O in boys seems to reflect light? That, explains Sierra, is because it's an actual reflector, scavenged from a vintage freeway sign letter. "Jason gets credit for finding that one," she adds.
Now Sierra says that she can't wait to hang up other old sign letters from Timeless Treasures that spell out another favorite phrase, Family Rocks. "Some of the yummiest letters are in that set," she says.
You can follow Sierra's progress at her blog by clicking