Oh, baby! This is what we call a great design guide!

Somewhere around the second trimester of any pregnancy, the thought dawns on a couple that they need to get serious about the baby's room. Where will he or she actually sleep? Play with blocks and books? Be changed at 2:00 in the morning? Be soothed at 3:30?
Nursery Style, a new book by Bay Area entrepreneurs Serena Dugan and Lily Kanter, is exactly what the obstetrician should order to alleviate the angst about how to make a nursery that suits the family-to-be.
It is a step-by-step guide to designing and furnishing the space for your new little charmer, including ideas about everything from selecting an overall design style to the smallest details.
At Timeless Treasures we were surprised and delighted when a fresh copy of the book arrived in the mail, accompanied by a charming note from the authors. Turns out that Serena and Lily chose some decor details at Timeless Treasures to include in a few of their photos.
We especially like the boldness of the letter Y, shown here propped on a shelf, from the section on Art and Accessories. And in a section on Vintage Cool, they point out that "vintage letters from commercial signs emphasize the retro vibe" of a room.
For more details, and to order the book from the authors, go to serenaandlily.com. For old sign letters and vintage children's toys and blocks to make your baby's room special, come and see us on Sutter Street!